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Free flight in Castelluccio

Free flight in Castelluccio di Norcia and take-offs in the Sibillini Mountains

Castelluccio di Norcia is one of the most famous free-flight launch sites in Italy. It is located in the central part of the Sibillini Mountains, a mountain range that extends for about 150 km. The area is characterised by a very dry climate and a lunar landscape with wide expanses of tall grass swaying in the wind. Paragliding is a very popular activity among adventure lovers, who can enjoy the beautiful views of the surrounding landscape while being carried along by the wind.

All flight areas in Castelluccio di Norcia

Departure from Fontanile/Castelluccio is in the morning, from Forca di Presta in the afternoon. From a scenic point of view, the plateau has a particular charm. There are several take-offs in Castelluccio. The slope in the centre is ideal for training. The terrain is very thermal and therefore very challenging, especially at midday. In the evening it is nice to soar and fly. Castelluccio has restaurants and bars. The village is famous for its delicious lentils. There is also a flying school during the summer months.

Free flight in Castelluccio di Norcia

If you love adventure and nature, Castelluccio di Norcia is the perfect place for you. Known for its breathtaking views and spectacular mountains, it has become a paradise for paragliding enthusiasts. With its breathtaking views and rich history, it is a truly magical place not to be missed. In this article we will explore what makes this place unique and what you can expect when you decide to go free-flying in Castelluccio di Norcia.

Take off points for paragliding in Castelluccio di Norcia

In Castelluccio di Norcia there are several take-off points suitable for free flight. There are several places to start paragliding that can be reached by car or even on foot.

Find out what the German Paragliding and Hang-gliding Association says about the Castelluccio di Norcia area. Starting points further to the south-west also allow paragliding enthusiasts to reach the Piana di Santa Scolastica in Norcia, with a descent of around 1,000 metres.

Castelluccio di Norcia: the ideal place for free flight

Castelluccio di Norcia is an enchanting and little-known mountain destination in central Italy. The landscape is a mixture of the majestic Apennines and the Umbrian plains, surrounded by a rich biodiversity that extends to Lake Piediluco and the Sibillini Mountains. The village is located in a rather remote mountainous area, so the surrounding nature is almost untouched. As soon as you arrive in Castelluccio di Norcia, you will find yourself immersed in a suggestive atmosphere where tranquillity reigns. This hidden paradise offers paragliding enthusiasts breathtaking views and ideal conditions, both in terms of safety and scenic beauty. For all these reasons, Castelluccio di Norcia is one of the most popular places in Italy for those who wish to practise paragliding.

Free flight in Castelluccio di Norcia

All are among the most popular because of their geography and ideal weather.

Thanks to the many hiking trails, paragliding enthusiasts can reach the top of the mountain and climb more than 500 metres before landing.

The rules of free flight in Castelluccio di Norcia.

In order to guarantee maximum safety when paragliding in Castelluccio di Norcia, it is essential to follow the rules laid down by the competent authorities. First of all, civil liability insurance is compulsory for all pilots, and before taking off it is necessary to check the weather forecast for the area. It is also essential to respect the limits imposed by local regulations on the type and maximum altitude of the flight, as well as the maximum distance from the ground established by Italian law for free flight (500 metres). Finally, it is always advisable to carry an operational mobile phone for possible emergencies and an up-to-date GPS that will allow you to track your position in the event of loss or unintentional movement from the take-off area chosen at the start of the flight.

The best time of year for free flying in Castelluccio di Norcia.

The best season for free flight in Castelluccio di Norcia is from May to September, when the weather conditions are more stable and favourable for paragliding. During these weeks it is possible to fully enjoy the beauty of the surrounding countryside and its medieval charm.

During the busiest periods, it is also possible to find events dedicated to the world of free flight, which attract enthusiasts from all over Europe.

Free flight support services

To make flying in Castelluccio di Norcia even easier, several services are available to help.

Guests of Villa Tardioli are given a PASS for access to all the trails which are necessary for access to the starting points.

Castelluccio di Norcia is a magical place where unspoilt nature and history create a unique atmosphere. Paragliding is an unforgettable experience for all adventure lovers, offering breathtaking views and thrills. If you are looking for a different kind of adventure, consider flying to Castelluccio di Norcia. You will not regret it.

Outdoor and Castelluccio di Norcia

Discover all the local trekking routes.

Riding the trails on an MTB TOUR.

Get in touch with nature. Go horse riding.

All you need to know about free flying in Castelluccio di Norcia.

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