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What to see in Cascia, the monastery of Santa Rita and its miracles

Inside the Valnerina you can discover Cascia and be amazed by the history of Santa Rita and the development of the monastery, but not only. Let’s find out more. Cascia is a town in Umbria, Italy. Its main attraction is the monastery of Santa Rita, which dates back to the 14th century. The monastery is famous for its miracles and also for the tomb of Saint Rita, which is located inside the monastery.

Living Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia was an Italian nun from the 14th century. She is famous for her miracles and also for her very intense life. Born into a noble family, Rita decided to enter a convent when she was very young. She remained there for the rest of her life, devoting herself to prayer and helping others. She was canonised in 1900 and has since been considered an important saint by the Catholic Church: the saint of the impossibl

Roccaporena and the rock of Santa Rita

A short distance from Cascia is certainly the most famous village linked to the history of Santa Rita: Roccaporena.

Roccaporena is a small town in Umbria, famous for the rock of Santa Rita, which stands on the top of a hill. The story goes that Saint Rita of Cascia used to pray constantly on the top of the rock, and so the place has become an important place of pilgrimage for the devotees of Saint Rita.

Religious shop souvenirs

The religious shops in Roccaporena are famous for their souvenirs dedicated to Saint Rita. Among the most popular are statues of Saint Rita, candles and rosaries. Tourists visiting the village often buy these souvenirs to remember their pilgrimage.

Excellence in territory

In Cascia it is also possible to buy local ‘zero kilometres’ products, products linked to the area, such as cheese, truffles and the local speciality, saffron.

Since the Middle Ages, there is evidence of the use of this spice in the Cascia area. It was called Saffron of Cascia.

Today, saffron is used in the preparation of traditional dishes and is a product of all quality restaurants.

In the shops you can buy saffron in pistils and take the unique flavour of this spice home with you.

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